Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Resep Perkedel | Perkedel Tahu Udang

Resep Perkedel | Perkedel Tahu Udang Tofu made tasty, tasty soft meatball with extra shrimp. Dry the outside crispy and the inside soft savory. Dicocol peanut sauce, the more terrible taste! Material: 1 piece of tofu, drained, mashed 75 g peeled shrimp,...
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Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Resep Ikan | Pepes Ikan Sunda

Resep Ikan | Pepes Ikan Sunda Pepes sliced fish marinated all-round complete it feels very natural. Savory fresh carp compete with the scent of green onion, lemongrass and bay leaves are fragrant. Material: 2 tail (500 g) goldfish, clean 2 tsp salt 1...
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Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Resep Ikan | Ikan Woku Balanga

Resep Ikan | Ikan Woku Balanga Processed fish of North Sulawesi style is very easy to prepare and tasty. Taste delicious spicy-savory flavor variety with fragrant leaves that make the fish taste so delicious! Material: 500 g grouper, clean 1 orange...
READ MORE - Resep Ikan | Ikan Woku Balanga

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