Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

TIPS | Petis Udang yang Wangi

TIPS | Petis Udang yang WangiGood shrimp paste made from shrimp or fresh shrimp rebon of good quality. The addition of sugar, spice and cornflour to make a thick paste. The color is slightly reddish brown. If the color of shrimp paste and black tend...
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MAKANAN | Amboi Sedap Nian Penang Prawn Mee

MAKANAN | Amboi Sedap Nian Penang Prawn MeeTypical noodles Penang this one was really tempting. Reddish liquid with a strong sense of shrimp broth. Its contents are complete enough noodles soft, boiled eggs, shredded chicken, and shrimp. Enjoyed with...
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Resep Kue | Klappertaart Singkong Keju

Resep Kue | Klappertaart Singkong KejuActually had long wanted to make this klapper tarts. Since there is an incomplete material, especially a young coconut. New deh made this afternoon, when Razaan asleep. Why make it easy, try yuk!This cake was first...
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Resep Tahu | Tahu Tek

Resep Tahu | Tahu TekLonging Surabaya typical snacks Try it wrapped in egg racik knows this. A tasty peanut sauce with shrimp paste is fragrant aroma guaranteed addictive!Material:1 fruit (300 g) know that white, diced2 eggs½ teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon...
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Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

TIPS Tauco yang Enak

TIPS Tauco yang EnakTauco is one of the fermented soybean product which was adapted from the Chinese. Tauco quality depends on the soy is used. Therefore there is a light brown color and grain of the whole soybean and some are dark brown with soybeans...
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Resep Tahu | Mapo Tofu

Resep Tahu | Mapo TofuIf you like the flavor spicy bite, you know who prepared Szechuan style is right for you. Soft texture knows silk wrapped with spicy savory seasonings makes this tasty side dish with rice fluffier eat warm.Material:1 piece of silk...
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Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Resep Kue | Bolkus Zebra Batik

Resep Kue | Bolkus Zebra BatikConfused utilize the remaining egg white? Try the following recipe, the result of prescription Bolkus modific Mocca Chocolate egg whites of his Bu Fatmah Bahalwan.Material:500 ml egg whites200 gr sugar1 tbsp emulsifier (I...
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TIPS Memilih Saus Tiram

TIPS Memilih Saus TiramThere are two types of oyster sauce. Sauce really made of fresh oysters and sauce made from artificial taste and odor of oysters. Oyster sauce derived from the original, more expensive, more powerful tiramnya aroma and color of...
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Java Kitchen | Murah, Meriah, Top Markotop

Java Kitchen | Murah, Meriah, Top MarkotopThis restaurant's name raises a question mark. Why not named Kitchen have Java or Java pawon? Why should use the name in English? Apparently, because the restaurants owned by people of Semarang is targeted to...
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Resep Tahu | Hot Pot Tofu

Resep Tahu | Hot Pot TofuAt the moment the cold and the family was gathered, the most fun to eat this one dish. Easy to prepare, it can fit the tastes and growing medium when eaten warm!Material:1 pc egg tofu, cut into pieces, fried driedMayonnaise:2...
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Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Makanan Rendezvous | Kuliner di Chatter Box

Makanan Rendezvous | Kuliner di Chatter BoxThe first time I knew Chatter Box about 30 years ago in Singapore - in a hotel at that time very popular among citizens of Indonesia. As the name implies, Chatter Box hang out indeed a nice place. Reasonable...
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Resep Tahu | Selada Tofu

Resep Tahu | Selada TofuIf you're on a diet of fat, try the tofu dish of sakura this country. Lettuce is crunchy, chewy wakame which collided with soft tofu. Nutrients can be relied upon!Material:1 piece of silk tofu, cut into 2x2x2 cm50 g wakame, soaked...
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Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Resep Ikan | Asam Keu-ung

Resep Ikan | Asam Keu-ungAt the moment a hot air airy, fresh fish, traditional Acehnese sauce acid was guaranteed to arouse your appetite. Eating fish through the head will add fun to eat!Material:A sour fish head (could also be other kinds of sea fish,...
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Resep Tahu | Tahu Gimbal

Resep Tahu | Tahu GimbalCrispy soft tofu plus bakwan these crispy shrimp dish lunch bus be delicacies. Being washed in a sweet bean sauce, spicy savory meal will make it even more delicious.Material:2 pieces of white outcooking oilShrimp dreadlocks:100...
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Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

RESEP Mie Lomie Rawit

RESEP Mie Lomie RawitWhen the body is less fit, sauce thick noodles with a generous sprinkling of cayenne pepper is guaranteed to make a fresh body. Savory savory, slightly sweet and spicy!Material:500 g of Hokkien noodles, hot water rinseMayonnaise:2...
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RESEP Mee Goreng Mamak

RESEP Mee Goreng MamakWhen the body is less fit, Saucethick noodles with a generous sprinkling of cayenne pepper is guaranteed to make a fresh body. Savory savory, slightly sweet and spicy!Material:500 g of Hokkien noodles, hot water rinseMayonnaise:2...
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Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

RESEP Kepiting Kam-Heong Mak Nyuss dari Seroeni

RESEP Kepiting Kam-Heong Mak Nyuss dari SeroeniSeroeni is part of the S-2 - a one-stop eateries under one roof - featuring six food outlets / food court at one location. Inside the spacious, modern complex is found to Geisha Japanese Restaurant, Fleur's...
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RESEP Krenyes Enak Croissant Keju a la Chef

RESEP Krenyes Enak Croissant Keju a la ChefBakery presents the open kitchen concept is still quite gress. There are a variety of European breads, cakes, and pastries that the drafting process can be viewed directly by visitors. A piece of cheese croissant...
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Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

RESEP Mie Yaki Ramen

RESEP Mie Yaki RamenCountry fried noodles from the kitchen this sakura simple marinade. Because it was feeling really soft chewy ramen tongues wagged. Moreover, interspersed with tasty crunchy toasted nori!Material:2 tablespoons vegetable oil2 leeks,...
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RESEP Serabut Sosis Bakar

RESEP Serabut Sosis BakarBored with the usual sausage, I deh try this egg sausage with a bandage. It seemed to be more tasty and my family really hooked.Material:6 beef sausages (frankfurters or fried sausage), cut into 4 partsSauce, stir together:2...
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Tips Menyajikan Masakan Sunda Cara Minang

Tips Menyajikan Masakan Sunda Cara MinangThis simple restaurant has been popular for a long time. Throughout the opening hours, always seemed the cars were lined up on either side of the road near the house, never stopping his guest sign successive visit...
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Resep Krenyes Gurih Martabak Plus Rujak Cingur

Resep Krenyes Gurih Martabak Plus Rujak CingurIn this legendary restaurant there serving food plus the East Javanese style that always makes miss home. Martabak a thin crispy skin to meat stuffing flavorful curry. Cingur rujak also spread a burst of...
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Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Resep Kue Chiffon Mocca Cake

Resep Kue Chiffon Mocca CakeChiffon cake with a soft spongy texture and moist, especially the towering shapes make anyone want to enjoy it, might as friends for coffee or afternoon tea and morning.Chiffon Cake Mocca this time that I make, by messing...
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Resep Mi Hot Plate Udang

Resep Mi Hot Plate UdangThis restaurant-style noodle dish easily made at home. Soft chewy noodles that collided with a thick savory shrimp sauce and fragrant. nice to have appetizer at the beginning of this week!Material:500 g of wet egg noodlesSauce:1...
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Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

RESEP Membuat Fritata

RESEP Membuat FritataMaterial:300 gr potatoes, peeled, cut into ½ cm thick1 ltr of water for soaking1 tablespoon salt1 pcs sausage, cut into ½ cm thick, stir-fry cookedBh ½ red bell pepper, cut into 1 cmBh 1 onion, chopped4 tablespoons cooking oil4 eggs125...
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Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

RESEP Membuat Cannelloni

RESEP Membuat CannelloniMaterial:2 lbr lasagna leather, size 12x15 cm150 gr chicken breast, chopped20 g onion, chopped100 ml cooking cream20 gr flourChampignon mushrooms 50 gr1 teaspoon salt½ teaspoon pepper2 tablespoons cooking oil, for sauteing50 ounces...
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