MAKANAN | Makan Udang dan Ikan Bakar Di Bengkel

Prawns dusted this yellow spice taste with a crisp savory aroma of garlic and turmeric are sharp. Crisp flavor with a fragrant aroma of scorched him more challenging to taste. eated with soy sauce plus a spicy sweet, the results were awesome! Stop yuk!
Once was in the middle of dense Jl. Dr. Satrio me hooked with a large banner that read 'Seafood Light of the Moon' which is installed at an auto repair shop is quite large. Car repair shop that closed at night was so good location to open a shop tent. Like a lot done in the area and the town of Taft.
An extensive workshop pages partially filled with a wide table capdivorce bright red plastic table with matching colored plastic chairs. Seafood menu offered decent complete. From the type of pompano, baronang, pomfret until shrimp, mussels, squid and crab, of course.
Live crabs stored in a foam box seems to be a mainstay of this seafood stall. Because almost every table ordered a crab. Because it did not feel equal spend order jaruh on grilled shrimp and grilled rabbitfishes. For all types of seafood can be baked, fried flour, sweet and sour sauce, fried butter or sauce, Padang.
It turned out that besides the usual vegetables such as kale, baokchoy, and bean sprouts, this diner has a mainstay of different corn stir. Can be sauteed with chicken, beef, seafood or quail eggs. because they want to know this dish then stir-fried baby corn Miqdaad ordered quail eggs.
Shrimp and grilled fish served with a straw color to appear. Presumably before the fire spread with yellow spice which is a concoction of pepper, turmeric, garlic, walnut and ginger. Some parts look scorched and dry. As a complement presented soy sauce and condiment chilli fries.
Fragrant aroma of fragrant spices smelled immediately when torn flesh of fish. It was so tasty gentle and fragrant. Without soy sauce already feels savory sauce. Soy sauce gives a sweet accent delicious spicy-sweet. Increasingly strong spicy flavor bite when condiment fried pestle.
Prawns, medium-size yellow seasoning also looks the same. Yellowish and slightly charred because the spread of yellow spice. Savory fragrance to be very dominant of these shrimp. Without condiment it was pretty good.
We enjoyed the grilled fish and shrimp, the waiter who brings crab and black pepper sauce Padang we crossed several times. Wow, look really tempting crab. Both seafood meal we rose tasting snacks with corn saute.
Baby corn stir-fry portion is rather large, and it comes with a full field. There are three kinds of mushrooms, shitake mushrooms, straw mushrooms and sliced mushrooms hioko rough. Leek and sliced meats chicken be filled. Like a stir, a thick brown sauce stir about this young corn.
Oyster sauce aroma wafted fragrant this stir when stirred. Pain savory alternating with a fragrant garlic. Young corn cooked with the right maturity, a little crunchy and fresh. delicious growing steadily since fried hard-boiled quail egg into filling materials as well.
Not feel some tasty, crunchy shrimp tails up in a flash. Lime water running over rabbitfishes fuel, making it more and more fresh fish and more quickly run out as well. even the occasional smell of oil from the parking garage, but this dish is delicious enough to make a full stomach and satisfied! Male crab and egg-laying would be targeted next visit.
The price offered is also not too Maal, 8-ounce grilled baronang USD. 56000.00, grilled shrimp price USD. Ca 40000.00 and a portion of corn big enough and its contents completely appreciated USD. 25000.00. If stuck in traffic in this area can be used to fill the stomach at this seafood stall!.
Light Seafood Month
Jl. Dr. Satrio No.89
South Jakarta
Phone: 021-9797-3581
Opening hours: 17:30 to 01:00 (weekdays), 11:00 to 21:00 (Sunday)
Peluang Usaha Kuliner
BalasHapusSalam kenal semua...
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Inilah peluang usaha yang perlu diperhatikan oleh para pengusaha, termasuk Anda. Jika ingin mengembangkan sebuah usaha bisnis yang selalu dibutuhkan orang, maka kembangkanlah sebuah usaha Bisnis Kuliner.
Bagi Anda yang saat ini sedang menekuni atau tertarik dengan Bisnis Kuliner terutama yang pengolahannya dengan dibakar / dipanggang, saya sarankan menggunakan Kompor Panggang Tanpa Asap.
Kompor Panggang Tanpa Asap sangat berguna untuk membuat : Ayam Bakar, Ikan Bakar, Sosis Bakar, Bakso Bakar, Jagung Bakar, Iga Bakar, Sate dan lain-lain.
Kompor Panggang Tanpa Asap juga sangat menguntungkan bagi Pengusaha Kuliner yang akan melebarkan sayap baik dengan membuka cabang maupun me-waralabakan usahanya.
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HP : 0857 8092 6000, 0813 9324 6000, 0878 0288 6000
Pin BB. : 32696186, 31EAB8FB
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