Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Resep Lodeh | Lodeh Pepaya Muda

Resep Lodeh | Lodeh Pepaya Muda Papaya is widely used as material to make a ve. But of papaya mengkal used to make this vegetable was still crunchy after boiling. Ingredients: - 500 ml water - 100 grams of beef snippet - 100 grams of white ground...
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Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Resep Tahu | Masakan Tahu Mangkok

Resep Tahu | Masakan Tahu MangkokBored with sapo tofu or fried tofu fan? Time to try out bowls. How to make it too practical.Ingredients:- 4 pieces know- 3 carrots (cut in squares)- 1 egg- Pre secukupya leaves (chopped)- 1 pack RoycoSpices:- 1 / 2 teaspoon...
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Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Resep Ayam | Ayam Ungkep Bakar

Resep Ayam | Ayam Ungkep BakarCan be eaten with fresh vegetable or salad vegetables.Ingredients:- 1 tail of free-range chicken, cut into 4 parts- 1 bay leaves- 2 kaffir lime leaves- 1 liter of coconut water- 1 tablespoon margarine, meltedRefined:- 5...
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Resep Minuman| Es Cendol Cokelat

Resep Minuman| Es Cendol CokelatCendol bored with green cendol try chocolate combined with sweetened condensed milk plus fragrant jackfruit. Served cold to break the fast ... fresh sweet!Material:150 g flour mung bean strach10 g cocoa powder½ teaspoon...
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Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Resep Ramadhan | Setup Pisang dan Buah Atap

Resep Ramadhan | Setup Pisang dan Buah AtapKepok of time cut down the banana plantation, the family was tired of the compote. Finally I made this setup. Well, it's also not to mention legit shaved ice!Material:5 kepok yellow bananas250 g kolang-kaling/buah...
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Resep Sup | Sup Krim Labu Kuning

Resep Sup | Sup Krim Labu KuningNot have to break their fast with a sweet takjil. Occasionally you may try a soft cream soups such as pumpkin soup which is legit. Slruup inhaled while warm ... really delicious!Material:1 tablespoon butter30 g onion,...
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Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Resep Ikan | Sambal Jeruk Teri

Resep Ikan | Sambal Jeruk TeriIf the spirit to-eat meal rather loose, try to serve this crispy anchovy sauce. Bites of spicy chili and fresh lime sour taste is guaranteed to make the meal had become more stable.Material:100 g dried anchovies fresh jeans75...
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Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Resep Bubur | Bubur Kacang Jahe

Resep Bubur | Bubur Kacang JaheWhile erratic weather green and red bean porridge nutrient laden iftar meal can be delicious. Supplement ginger make this savory porridge, legit is also warm in the body. Want to try?Material:200 g of dried green peas200...
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Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Resep Kue | Lumpia Pisang

Resep Kue | Lumpia PisangTired of back and forth to make fried bananas so I tried this banana spring rolls with the content. Gee, is not only easy, while breaking all be eating snatch. Yum .. yum .. Kriuk sweet!Material:10 sheets of spring roll skins...
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Resep Mie | Mie Thiau Kuah Aneka Bakso

Resep Mie | Mie Thiau Kuah Aneka BaksoThis delicate rice noodles are more delicious soaked in warm gravy. Moreover, equipped with a variety of savory meatballs chewy-crispy.good for breaking this afternoon!Material:250 g of dried noodles thiau12 pieces...
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Resep Ramadan | Chocolate Japonaise

Resep Ramadan | Chocolate JaponaiseCrispy-crunchy sweet cake with chocolate and almond flavor delicious. Lesan brown in the middle of getting a stronger chocolate flavor. One or two is guaranteed to less!Material:315 g egg whites300 g sugar275 g ground...
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Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Resep burger | Burger Italia

Resep burger | Burger ItaliaRome oregano and basil to make Italian-style burger is so fragrant and delicious. eated with tomato sauce while warm. Hmm .. the more delicious!Material:2 tablespoons butterBurger:250 g minced beef30 g onion, finely chopped1...
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Resep Ramadhan | Tutty Frutty Chocolate Candy

Resep Ramadhan | Tutty Frutty Chocolate CandyNgabuburit can be used to make this delicious dish load. Easily made and can dry fruit stuffing according to taste. Its texture is soft, smooth, melted on the tongue!Material:1500 g of milk cooking chocolate,...
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Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Resep Burger | Burger Sapi Jamur

Resep Burger | Burger Sapi JamurCrunchy chewy texture of the mushrooms very tasty together with a tasty beef. Especially enjoyed warm with BBQ sauce and fries. Yum .. yum ..!Material:2 tablespoons butterBurger:1 tablespoon butter50 g onion, chopped100...
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Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

MAKANAN | Makan Udang dan Ikan Bakar Di Bengkel

MAKANAN | Makan Udang dan Ikan Bakar Di BengkelPrawns dusted this yellow spice taste with a crisp savory aroma of garlic and turmeric are sharp. Crisp flavor with a fragrant aroma of scorched him more challenging to taste. eated with soy sauce plus...
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Resep Pasta | Pasta Ikan Pari Asap

Resep Pasta | Pasta Ikan Pari AsapStingray fish or smoke a very unique aroma. In addition to the vegetable made, my speculative with pasta. it is very savory taste and aroma. Savory spicy delicious!Material:100 gr rice fusilli pasta (spiral pasta made...
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Resep Cake | Muffim Kopi

Resep Cake | Muffim KopiCreate a coffee fan, try a legit mini muffins tasted delicious fragrance. Suitable enjoyed with a cup of tea or a tasty chocolate milk cold.Material:175 g wheat flour2 teaspoons baking powder1 / 8 teaspoon salt2 tablespoons cocoa...
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Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Resep Cake| Cheezy Muffin

Resep Cake| Cheezy MuffinWho prefer salty savory muffins are definitely happy with the contents of this cheese. Cheese topping crisp on the outside make these muffins taste more stable.Material:280 g wheat flour1 tablespoon baking powder2 tablespoons...
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Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Makanan Sushi-Sei | Restoran Jepang Kelas Eksekutif

Makanan Sushi-Sei | Restoran Jepang Kelas EksekutifIt turns out the Japanese restaurant also has an executive class - though not called that. One of them in Jakarta is Sushi-Sei. This is not the same and not Sushi-Tei which has targeted middle-class...
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Resep Cake | Muffin Pisang

Resep Cake | Muffin PisangBanana scent is getting stronger and feeling in these muffins. Sprinkling of cashew nuts are crunchy savory make these muffins taste just more comfortable. Moreover, while still warm!Material:100 g chopped roasted cashews220...
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Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Resep Cake | Roti Pandan

Resep Cake | Roti PandanMATERIALS I:- Egg yolks 4 eggs- 25 grams of refined sugarsMATERIALS II:- White eggs 4 eggs- Cake emulsifier 1 teaspoon- 75 grams sugarIII MATERIALS:- Wheat flour is 125 grams of protein- 15 grams of corn flour- Milk powder 10...
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Resep Cake | Chocolate Muffin

Resep Cake | Chocolate MuffinLittle hooked secured with thick chocolate muffin. The stronger the chocolate taste with a crunchy chocolate chip mixture legit. Prove it!Material:100 g chocolate chips125 g sugarSecond egg300 ml fresh milk60 ml vegetable...
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Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Resep Cake | Black Cherry Muffin

Resep Cake | Black Cherry MuffinSweet black cherry flavor slightly acid to create a harmonious blend of these muffins. This English-style cake made delicious snack or breakfast alternative is practical.Material:220 g butter200 g sugar1 / 2 cans of black...
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